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Body Contouring in Scottsdale AZ

Body Contouring in Scottsdale, AZ – Be a Beautiful You!

Have you had dramatic weight loss recently that left your body looking overstretched? Did motherhood leave stretch marks on your body? Is aging taking a toll on your body, causing saggy skin, cellulite, and more? Struggling with fat bulges that do not simply go away with a strict diet and exercise? Body contouring is one of the best ways to get rid of stubborn fat and tone your body for a beautiful and confident YOU.


Our experienced specialists at 1st Care Medical Spa just outside of Scottsdale, AZ, provide the best body sculpting services that help reshape your body and make you look & feel good about yourself.

What is Body Contouring?

Body contouring, also known as body sculpting, is a non-invasive procedure that helps eliminate stubborn fat, tighten skin, and tone different areas of the body. With rapid advancements in technology, non-surgical body contouring is gaining more popularity in Scottsdale, AZ. This is primarily because there are fewer risks of complications compared to surgical procedures.


So, if you are looking to sculpt your body and give it a beautiful shape in a safe, painless, and non-invasive way, then get in touch with us for body contouring in Scottsdale, AZ.

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Benefits of Body Contouring

Check out how body contouring can help you:


  • Reduces flabbiness and tightens the skin in the back of the arms, abdomen, thighs, buttocks, and anywhere you want to cut down fat

  • Alleviates the appearance of cellulite in different areas of the body

  • Provides smooth and tightened skin

  • Reduces bulk adipose tissues, aiding in fat removal and fat reduction

  • Restores the appearance of sun damage and aging hands & feet

  • Tightens sagging skin

  • Improves skin texture and tone

  • Reduces the appearance of creases, wrinkles, hypertrophic scars, and acne

Provides healthy and youthful skin

Is Body Contouring Fit For You?

Body contouring should not be considered a weight-loss technique or fat-reduction solution for people with obesity. At 1st Care Medical Spa, we leverage cutting-edge procedures to sculpt your body and give it a beautiful shape. If you meet the following criteria, then you can consider getting this treatment done.


  • You are struggling to eliminate stubborn fat despite following a strict diet and physical exercise

  • You have had acute weight loss after bariatric surgery, causing saggy skin and bulging fat

  • Your body lacks proper toning and has cellulite formation in different areas of the body

  • Post-natal, you have lost skin elasticity, resulting in flabbiness and fat around your thighs, hips, and belly


To know if you are the right fit for body contouring, consult our experts in Scottsdale, AZ.

Benefits of Non-Surgical Body Contouring

Do you want to enhance the way you look and feel, but without the risks or lengthy recovery associated with surgical procedures? Our expert team specializes in non-surgical body contouring that can help you attain your aesthetic goals and feel confident about your skin in Scottsdale, AZ. Discussed here are the advantages of non-surgical body sculpting:


  • Non-invasive procedures: Undoubtedly, surgical body contouring solutions can deliver excellent results. However, the procedures are highly invasive, have risks, and may leave behind scars. It also involves downtime for the body to recover from the procedure. 
    However, we specialize in non-invasive body contouring in Scottsdale, AZ that can deliver the results you want, but without having to go under the knife. The procedures work by heating the fat cells, which cause them to die. The dead cells are then removed from the body through the lymphatic system.


  • Ability to address multiple problem areas at a time: One of the biggest advantages of non-surgical body contouring is it helps addresses multiple areas of your body at once. However, for best results, we recommend going with small, targeted areas at each session rather than trying to treat all areas at once.


  • No downtime required: Surgical body contouring procedures typically take weeks, or even longer, to recover completely. With non-surgical procedures, however, you can get back to your normal course of life right away.

How do Body Contouring Procedures Work?

Different body sculpting methods work differently to eliminate stubborn fat, reduce cellulite, and tighten the skin. However, these procedures are non-invasive or minimally invasive and do not cause any potential side effects or complications. The technologies work by directly targeting and destroying the fat cells present in the area of the body being treated.


This helps eliminate stubborn fat and achieve a well-toned body. For instance, technologies such as infrared, LED, laser, or radiofrequency work by stimulating the fat cells beneath the skin using heat. The heat melts the fat cells, which are then used up as energy in the body.


There are also cooling technologies that use cold temperatures to freeze the fat cells, which eventually break and get flushed out via the lymphatic system. At 1st Care Medical Spa, we use cutting-edge EvolveX by InMode. The hands-free platform combines multiple non-invasive body contouring technologies into one system, delivering excellent results.

EvolveX: Body Contouring at its Best

For effective results, we use EvolveX Transform, an all-in-one system that combines different clinically-proven technologies to produce transformative, consistent, and sustainable results.


It uses radiofrequency energy to deeply heat the fat and tissues beneath the skin, while electrical muscle stimulation triggers muscle contractions. Together, these technologies aid in muscle build-up, evenly toning your body.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q. Am I a good candidate for non-surgical body contouring?

Our non-invasive body sculpting treatments are perfect for patients who are within a healthy body weight range, but have stubborn fat deposits in some body areas. If you have undesirable body fat in certain parts of the body which you want to get rid of without undergoing a surgery, then our body contouring solutions may be ideal for you.   


Q. Does Body Contouring Have Any Side Effects?

We specialize in non-surgical, non-invasive body contouring in Scottsdale, AZ, providing an improved patient experience. In most cases, the treatments cause little to no pain or discomfort. You may experience mild redness, swelling, tenderness or temporary bruising in the area of the treatment.


There are fewer risks of complications, unlike surgical procedures. Additionally, there is minimal downtime and recovery is faster.     


Q. How Long Does a Body Contouring Procedure Take?

The amount of time a body contouring treatment will take depends on the type of procedure being performed, the extent of fat you have, and the area of the body being treated. Typically, it may take around 30-60 minutes to complete a treatment, and we usually recommend six treatments.


Q. When can I expect to see the results?

Results from non-surgical body contouring in Scottsdale, AZ may vary. The expected time to see results is based on the treatment procedure and its frequency. Most treatments require six sessions to see the desired results.


To schedule a consultation for body contouring in Scottsdale, AZ.

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