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Diolaze is a type of laser hair removal system that is designed to provide efficient and long-lasting hair reduction. It is considered a state-of-the-art technology used by dermatologists and medical spas to help individuals achieve smoother and hair-free skin.

Here's how Diolaze works and some key features:

  1. Laser Technology: Diolaze utilizes a diode laser to target hair follicles. The diode laser emits a concentrated beam of light that is absorbed by the melanin (pigment) in the hair shaft. This energy is then converted into heat, which damages the hair follicle and inhibits future hair growth.

  2. Speed and Efficiency: Diolaze is known for its speed and efficiency. It has a larger treatment head and a high pulse repetition rate, allowing it to cover larger areas of the body in a shorter amount of time compared to some other laser hair removal systems. This makes it a practical choice for treating areas like the legs, back, and chest.

  3. Comfort and Safety: Diolaze is designed to be relatively comfortable for patients. It incorporates a built-in cooling system that helps to minimize discomfort and protect the surrounding skin during treatment. This cooling feature enhances patient comfort and reduces the risk of burns or skin damage.

  4. Long-Lasting Results: Diolaze is known for delivering long-lasting results. While individual experiences may vary, many people can achieve a significant reduction in hair growth after a series of treatment sessions. It is important to note that multiple sessions are typically required to target hair follicles in different stages of growth.

  5. Suitable for Various Skin Types: Diolaze is generally considered safe and effective for individuals with a wide range of skin tones and hair colors. However, it may be less effective for individuals with very light or gray hair since those hair types have less melanin to absorb the laser energy.

  6. Minimal Downtime: One of the advantages of Diolaze is that it typically involves minimal downtime. Patients can usually resume their regular activities immediately after treatment, though some redness or mild discomfort may occur temporarily.

It's important to note that the effectiveness of Diolaze and the number of sessions required can vary from person to person, depending on factors like hair color, skin type, and the targeted treatment area. To determine if Diolaze is a suitable option for you, it's advisable to consult with a qualified and experienced healthcare provider or dermatologist who can assess your specific needs and provide personalized recommendations.


Laser Hair Reduction

Laser hair removal, a widely sought-after cosmetic procedure, involves utilizing a highly concentrated beam of light to eliminate unwanted hair effectively.

The process operates by directing the laser's light towards the melanin (pigment) within the hair. This light energy is then converted into heat, which inflicts damage to the hair follicles. Consequently, this damage impedes further hair growth.

While laser hair removal can delay hair growth significantly, it is important to note that complete permanence is typically not achieved after just one session. Initial hair removal usually necessitates multiple laser treatments, followed by periodic maintenance sessions.

Excessive hair growth often prompts individuals to seek laser hair removal.
This condition can be categorized as hypertrichosis or hirsutism. Hypertrichosis involves excessive hair growth stemming from various factors, including genetics, illness, medication, hormones, or metabolic issues. Hirsutism, on the other hand, pertains to the excessive growth of hair in traditionally male areas of the female body, such as the upper lip, chin, jawline, or lower abdomen. Hirsutism can result from hormonal imbalances, tumors, medications, or genetic predisposition.


Hair growth occurs in three stages: anagen (growth phase), catagen (transition phase), and telogen (resting phase). These stages affect the outcome of laser hair removal treatments. Since hair grows and sheds cyclically, multiple laser sessions are essential for optimal results. For most individuals, at least eight sessions are required to observe long-lasting results, contingent on hair thickness and the chosen laser technology.

Laser hair removal is most suitable for individuals who:

  • Have unwanted hair on various body areas, including the arms, legs, back, bikini line, or face.

  • Possess skin of any color, from light to dark.

  • Exhibit hair with some pigment, such as brown, light brown, or black.

  • Comprehend that a significant reduction (50-80%) in unwanted hair can be achieved permanently.

  • Are willing to commit to multiple treatment sessions.

Should you not be an ideal candidate for laser hair removal?
1st Care Med Spa offers alternative nonsurgical treatments that may better suit your needs.

The versatility of laser hair removal extends to multiple areas of the body, including the upper lip, chin, neck, beard line, full face, shoulders, underarms, full arms, half arms, chest, abdomen, stomach, back, bikini line, buttocks, legs, thighs, and lower legs.

The cost of laser hair removal in Toronto starts at $99-$499 per treatment zone, with package pricing available for five treatments.

Post-treatment recovery for laser hair removal is typically minimal, involving temporary redness and swelling that usually dissipate within a few hours.

Each laser hair removal program at 1st Care Med Spa is tailored to encompass the optimal combination of lasers, wavelengths, and technologies for achieving the most effective permanent hair reduction with the lowest risk. These technologies include the Triton, Elite, Diolaze, Lightsheer, GentleMax Pro, and more, each with unique wavelengths and capabilities.

The advantages of laser hair removal at 1st Care Med Spa include permanent results, treatment versatility, suitability for all skin types, speedy procedures, reliable outcomes, cost-effectiveness, and compatibility with different hair and skin types.

It is vital to identify your Fitzpatrick?
Skin Type to determine your specific requirements for optimal laser hair removal results.

Fitzpatrick Skin Types range from Type 1 (fair skin, blue or green eyes, red or blonde hair) to Type 5 (dark skin, brown or black eyes, black hair). Understanding your skin type enables the selection of the most appropriate laser and treatment plan.

To determine the most suitable laser type and treatment plan for your skin type, hair thickness, sensitivity, and hair color, it is advisable to consult a professional from the 1st Care Med Spa team.


How Lumecca Works:

Lumecca utilizes intense pulsed light (IPL) technology, which emits high-intensity, broad-spectrum light pulses. Unlike lasers, which use a single wavelength of light, IPL devices emit a range of wavelengths. This allows Lumecca to target multiple skin concerns simultaneously.

Common Uses of Lumecca:

  1. Skin Rejuvenation: Lumecca is often used to rejuvenate the skin by improving its tone and texture. It can reduce the appearance of various skin irregularities, including age spots, sun damage, freckles, and fine lines.

  2. Pigmentation Correction: Lumecca can effectively treat pigmentation issues, such as sunspots, age spots, and melasma. The broad-spectrum light energy targets the excess melanin (pigment) in the skin, breaking it down and reducing the appearance of dark spots.

  3. Vascular Lesion Treatment: Lumecca can target and reduce redness caused by vascular lesions like broken blood vessels, spider veins, and rosacea. The light energy is absorbed by hemoglobin (the pigment in red blood cells), causing the blood vessels to coagulate and eventually be absorbed by the body.

  4. Hair Removal: In some cases, Lumecca can be used for hair removal, particularly for individuals with lighter skin and dark hair. However, dedicated laser hair removal devices may be more effective for this purpose.

The Lumecca Treatment Process:

  1. Consultation: Before undergoing Lumecca treatment, you will typically have a consultation with a qualified practitioner. During this consultation, your specific skin concerns will be assessed, and a treatment plan will be tailored to your needs.

  2. Preparation: Before the procedure, the treatment area is cleansed, and a topical numbing cream may be applied to enhance comfort during the treatment.

  3. Treatment: A handheld Lumecca device is used to deliver precise pulses of intense light to the targeted area. You may feel a warm or snapping sensation on the skin as the light energy is applied.

  4. Aftercare: Following the treatment, you may experience some redness and mild swelling in the treated area, similar to a sunburn. Sunscreen and gentle skincare are typically recommended to protect and soothe the skin.

Number of Sessions: The number of Lumecca sessions needed depends on the specific skin concerns being addressed. Many individuals see noticeable improvements after just one treatment, but a series of sessions is often recommended for optimal results.


  • Non-invasive

  • Versatile for addressing various skin concerns

  • Minimal downtime

  • Relatively quick treatment sessions

  • Can provide visible results after a single session


  • Lumecca may not be suitable for individuals with very dark or tanned skin, as it may increase the risk of side effects.

  • Multiple sessions may be required for long-term results, especially for more stubborn skin issues.

  • It's important to receive Lumecca treatment from a qualified and experienced practitioner to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Lumecca is a popular choice for those looking to improve the appearance of their skin and address common dermatological concerns without undergoing invasive procedures. Consult with a dermatologist or skincare specialist to determine if Lumecca is suitable for your specific skin type and concerns.

Lumecca is an advanced and highly effective intense pulsed light (IPL) technology used for various dermatological and cosmetic purposes. It is a non-invasive and versatile treatment that can address several skin concerns and improve the overall appearance of the skin. Here's an explanation of Lumecca



Here is an explanation of Vasculaze:

1. Purpose:

  • Treatment of Vascular Lesions: Vasculaze is primarily used to treat vascular lesions, which are skin irregularities caused by the dilation or enlargement of blood vessels near the surface of the skin. These lesions can include spider veins, broken capillaries (telangiectasia), and certain types of birthmarks or redness associated with rosacea.

2. How Vasculaze Works:

  • Laser Technology: Vasculaze employs laser technology, specifically a non-ablative laser, which means it does not remove the outer layer of skin. Instead, it penetrates the skin's surface to target the unwanted blood vessels or vascular lesions.

  • Selective Photothermolysis: The laser emits specific wavelengths of light that are absorbed by the hemoglobin in the blood within the targeted blood vessels. This absorption generates heat, causing the blood vessels to coagulate and eventually be absorbed by the body, gradually reducing their appearance.

  • Minimal Discomfort: A cooling mechanism is often used during the procedure to minimize discomfort and protect the surrounding skin.

3. Treatment Areas:

  • Vasculaze is commonly used on various areas of the body, including the face, legs, chest, and other areas where vascular lesions may be present.

4. Benefits:

  • Improved Appearance: Vasculaze can effectively reduce the visibility of vascular lesions, leading to clearer, smoother, and more even-toned skin.

  • Minimal Downtime: The procedure is non-invasive, and patients can typically resume their regular activities immediately after treatment.

  • Long-Lasting Results: While multiple sessions may be required for optimal results, many patients experience long-lasting improvements in the appearance of their skin.

5. Procedure:

  • A Vasculaze session typically begins with the application of a topical numbing cream to minimize discomfort.

  • The medical professional will then use a handheld laser device to precisely target the vascular lesions.

  • The duration of the procedure can vary depending on the size and number of lesions being treated.

6. Recovery:

  • There is usually no downtime associated with Vasculaze treatments. Patients can return to their daily activities immediately.

  • Some redness or mild swelling in the treated area may occur but typically subsides within a few days.

7. Number of Sessions:

  • The number of Vasculaze sessions required depends on the severity of the vascular lesions and the individual's response to treatment. Multiple sessions are often needed for optimal results.

8. Consultation:

  • Before undergoing Vasculaze treatment, individuals typically have a consultation with a healthcare provider or dermatologist. During this consultation, the provider will assess the patient's skin condition, discuss treatment goals, and create a personalized treatment plan.

9. Risks and Considerations:

  • While Vasculaze is generally considered safe, potential risks may include temporary redness, swelling, bruising, or changes in skin pigmentation. These side effects are usually mild and temporary.

Vasculaze is a popular option for individuals seeking to improve the appearance of vascular lesions and achieve smoother, clearer skin. To determine if Vasculaze is suitable for specific skin concerns, it is essential to consult with a qualified medical professional or dermatologist who can provide personalized recommendations and perform the procedure safely and effectively.

Vasculaze is a non-invasive cosmetic treatment that uses advanced laser technology to target and reduce the appearance of various vascular concerns on the skin. This innovative procedure is typically performed by trained medical professionals or dermatologists and is designed to improve the look of skin affected by vascular lesions.

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